
Here are some details about the projects and the variety of clients Entelligence has served over the years:

Entelligence has also invested in impactful social initiatives such as Artillery - Art for a Better World and Sophia Medica.

Artillery was a project that leveraged the transformative power of art in combination with science and technology to address and raise awareness on global issues, creating platforms for artists to influence public perception and drive societal change. The initiative curated exhibitions and public art installations that engage communities in critical dialogues about environmental sustainability, human rights, and social justice.

Sophia Medica contributes to bridging knowledge gaps in the healthcare sector by collaborating with academic institutions and industry experts to research and develop innovations that address pressing health challenges. This initiative focuses on enhancing healthcare delivery and patient outcomes through the integration of advanced data analytics and evidence-based learning practices. Sophia Medica's work helps to identify knowledge gaps at the side of medical professionals including the effectiveness of medical educational tracks, providing valuable insights that drive the development of new medical protocols and treatments.

Additionally, Entelligence supports the Dutch New Narrative Lab, which is focused on developing new entrepreneurial narratives within society. This lab cultivates a dynamic ecosystem, with innovation by inclusion as core value, where entrepreneurs are empowered to create compelling entrepreneurial journeys that inspire innovation and foster a culture of progressive entrepreneurship.


Entelligence and its participations have served a wide range of clients from various sectors, including:

Educational and Research Institutions: such as Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), University of Amsterdam (UvA), and University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam (HvA).

Government and Non-Profit Organizations: such as Greenpeace, the Royal Dutch Soccer Association, TNO (Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research) and Dutch Ministries such as Economic Affairs & Climate and Foreign Affairs.

Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals: organisations such as the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, Boehringer Ingelheim, Pfizer, and Roche.

Media and Publishing: collaborations with major news platforms like and, Hachette Filipacchi Media (publisher of Elle Magazine amongst others)  and media-related projects like Make Media Great Again.